Built for University Athletics
Prepare to win. Monitor all your athletes, teams, and programs in one app.

Trusted at the Top
Use the software trusted by elite NCAA programs across the country, as well as the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, and world-class organizations seeking elite human performance.

Game Plan Alignment
Provide specialized, insightful app views for coaches, athletes, trainers, nutritionists, and others to keep relevant parties informed and engaged.

Top Down Views
Whether you're coaching one team or dozens, CoachMePlus allows you to split out training groups based on teams, positions, goals and more.

Streamlined Management
Simplify your training process with a centralized platform that houses all your data, programs, and progress tracking. No more juggling multiple tools.

Solutions That Matter
Build customized programs for different teams.
Review athlete questionnaires to monitor their wellness.
Review workout progress through leaderboards and dashboards all in one app.
Workout Builder gives you access to the robust Athlete, Program, Circuit, and Exercise libraries. Design custom regimens to enhance your athlete's performance and save time by building multiple exercises and circuits.
Your Training Day provides you with a way to view completed assignment data through exercise charts, streak charts, progress charts, dashboards, and more.
Exercie 1RM and Testing allows you to better customize your workouts by each athlete's abilities. Test and track your athletes, either by groups or individually.
Data Tracking
Data Integration helps you easily bring in outside data to help consolidate your needs into one single app.
Leaderboards gives your athletes a fun way to be competitive during their workouts by seeing their standings on each exercise.
Athlete Feed keeps the app easier to use by providing the athlete with an easy-to-access feed showing them what they need most.
Data Visualizations
Reports help you save time and keep on top of your athlete's progress to help you track progress and aid in injury prevention.
Dashboard Builder is customizable based on your needs and enables you and your team to see their readiness and training load with live data changes on user-friendly charts.
Assessments allows you to custom create assessments for your athletes to track progress and improvement.
Admin Tools
Athlete Management lets you easily create and manage accounts and create athlete tags for seamless organization.
Wellness Questionnaires help you understand your athlete's sore areas and even track injury recovery to better personalize their workouts.
Roles and Permissions gives you the ability to manage role and user permissions, devices, and even banned IP addresses.
The Elite Package

What do our customers say?
Learn how a Division I College can monitor over 300 athletes on 1 Platform.Customize your platform experience to your university's size, goals, and teams.
Custom Alerts
Alerts can be sent to athletes as reminders by their coaches, such as to take breaks, hydrate, or complete questionnaires.
Nutrition Tracking
Athletes can quickly add food through barcodes, photo diaries, library search, and more, to help ensure they are getting enough fuel.
In-app messaging facilitates better communication between coaches and athletes to take place on a centralized platform.
Roles & Permissions
Access and permission-based access can be easily controlled through the app for your coaches and trainers to increase your security.
Dashboards & Visualization
Visualize trends in assessments, hydration, wellness questionnaires, and more to see progress or impediments in an athlete's performance.
Hydration Station
By monitoring change in body weight after a workout, the hydration station will recommend how much fluid and electrolytes they needs to replenish.
Potential Injury Alerts
Get notified when workers hit a predetermined threshold. Thresholds can be set based on warning signs that indicate potential for injury.
Device Integrations
Reduce manual data input by easily syncing your technology, such as wearables, and to help keep your athlete data organized in one place.